Hello I'm doning final fantasy 14 titan sever(Japnese sever)
What is correct way to use battleping on the game??
1.1 slect server and click the "connect" -> lunch the game
In this case,battle ping says "game detected"
1.2 lunch the game -> slect server and click the "connect"
In this case,battle ping dosn't says "game detected" just says "connect"
2. What happens if I change server while playing game?
I tried but nothing happened. If I want to change the server, should I do way "1.1"(the above-stated)???
In this game If ip changed, It supoosed to be happend game shoutdown. but nothing was happened If I change server while playing game This change won't be applied?
3. What happens if I close battleping while playing game?
I tried but nothing happend as well as case "2".
Even if I close battleping while playing game, is it still working vpn server on the game?
4. I can't see ping changed after using battle ping
But, I can "feel" ping changed. What should I do? If I want to check actual "In game ping"?
I tested ping -t
first not using vpn
first using battleping
ping was same
But I can "fell" ping chganed.(This is why I'm using this vpn)
P.s: I already chagend my firewall setting
What is correct way to use battleping on the game??
1.1 slect server and click the "connect" -> lunch the game
In this case,battle ping says "game detected"
1.2 lunch the game -> slect server and click the "connect"
In this case,battle ping dosn't says "game detected" just says "connect"
2. What happens if I change server while playing game?
I tried but nothing happened. If I want to change the server, should I do way "1.1"(the above-stated)???
In this game If ip changed, It supoosed to be happend game shoutdown. but nothing was happened If I change server while playing game This change won't be applied?
3. What happens if I close battleping while playing game?
I tried but nothing happend as well as case "2".
Even if I close battleping while playing game, is it still working vpn server on the game?
4. I can't see ping changed after using battle ping
But, I can "feel" ping changed. What should I do? If I want to check actual "In game ping"?
I tested ping -t
first not using vpn
first using battleping
ping was same
But I can "fell" ping chganed.(This is why I'm using this vpn)
P.s: I already chagend my firewall setting